For any car accident claim to be successful, your lawyer will need to be able to show the courts, based on a preponderance of the evidence, the accused party is liable for your injuries.
But before we can do that, your car accident lawyer will need to thoroughly investigate the accident to determine who all is at fault.
Although there are a number of different factors that can cause car accidents, some occur more often than others. Read on to learn more about some of the most common causes of car accidents and how a Long Island car accident lawyer can help.
Driver Negligence on Long Island
More often than not, when you're injured in an accident, you assume the driver who hit you is responsible for causing your injuries. Driver negligence is one of the leading causes of car accidents and includes several unsafe driving practices.
Operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving while fatigued, distracted driving, and aggressive driving behaviors are all common causes of car accidents across the U.S.
Faulty and Defective Car Parts
A driver could be doing everything possible to drive safely and still cause an accident if a part of the car was defective or malfunctioned in some way.
Parts manufacturers, automakers, parts distributors, safety inspectors, and other parties involved in the design, manufacture, distribution, or sale of a defective item could all have played a part in the cause of your case accident.
Dangerous Roads
When roads aren't safe to be driving on, the entities responsible for maintaining the safety of the roads could be held accountable for any accidents that happen as a result of these hazards.
Maybe the government agencies responsible for road construction failed to properly secure the area, or perhaps they continued to put off filling the pothole that caused your accident. In any case, when road hazards caused your car accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
Meet with a Car Accident Lawyer on Long Island
The car accident claims process doesn't have to be another burden on top of all of the others you've faced since the accident. Contact an experienced Long Island car accident lawyer at the Law Offices of Dennis Smith, PC to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation. We can be reached by phone at (212) 680-4280 or through the contact form below when you are ready to take control of your future.
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